RECT Delivers Historic Land Acknowledgement Recognizing Abolishment of Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade July 29, 2021

RECT Delivers Historic Land Acknowledgement Recognizing Abolishment of Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade July 29, 2021

RECT Delivers Historic Land Acknowledgement Recognizing Abolishment of Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade July 29, 2021

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In Recognition of Emancipation Day, The Ripple Effect Circle Calls on all Levels of Government to join Private Sector in Reversing Effects of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

TORONTO, CANADA – On Thursday July 29, 2021, the Ripple Effect Circle invites you to a PRESS CONFERENCE as we observe Emancipation Day on August 1st.

As citizens celebrate emancipation we face the ironic connection between the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Simcoe Day long weekend.

Very few know of the connection between British North America, John Graves Simcoe, the practice of African Chattel Slavery and Emancipation Day.  However, the residual effects of intergenerational trauma from the institution of enslavement continues to this day.

The moment I assume the Government of Upper Canada under no modification will I assent to a law that discriminates by dishonest policy between natives of Africa, America, or Europe.

— John Graves Simcoe, Address to the Legislative Assembly[20]


WHO:  The Ripple Effect Circle Recognizing Emancipation Day and connection to Simcoe Day

WHAT:    Press Conference

WHERE:  Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 9535 7551

Passcode: 886835

WHEN:  Thursday, July 29, 2021 at 10:00 AM

The current rates of unemployment, disproportionate incarceration, school suspensions and expulsions, children in “care”, violence amongst our youth and the broken family structures are all a direct result of the Slave Trade.

Canada has a responsibility to remedy this situation which continues into the present day. The upcoming federal election is an opportunity for Canadians to pay close attention and elect a government with a strong action plan as it relates to reversing the long standing impacts of systemic racism.

The Ripple Effect Circle is the coming together of various sectors of Canadian Society to rebuild healthy thriving Black communities. Africville, Nova Scotia (1785-1960) is a harsh reminder of how racist governmental policies could result in the complete evisceration of a community after a century of existence.

Partners from education, labour, business, policing, child welfare and non-profits have committed to the process and task ahead.

Chief of Toronto Police, James Ramer – “We look forward to working collaboratively with Midaynta and the African-Canadian Coalition of Community Organisers, to address the harmful impacts of racism, strengthen community trust and build a more inclusive city.”

Director of Education Toronto Catholic District School Board – Brendan Browne – “Dismantling Anti-Black Racism requires broad cooperation, commitment and accountability from all corners of society.”

The Ripple Effect Circle – We must no longer ignore the persistence of anti-Black racism in private and public institutions that affect the lives of Black Canadians.  


10:00 am

Knia Singh J.D.– M.C. Welcome Message & Introductions

10:05 am

Danielle Feidler – Tridel, Development Industry, Senior Vice President

10:10 am

Dr. Brendan Browne – Director of Education at TCDSB

10:15 am

Inspector Andrew Eckard – Second in command of the equity inclusion human rights unit at Toronto Police Service

10:20 am

Sam Eganu – Founder President and CEO of 180 Change

10:25 am

Knia Singh – Closing Remarks, Questions from Media

To learn more about the Ripple Effect Circle visit

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About:  The Ripple Effect Circle is an initiative of the ACCO (African Canadian Coalition of Community Organizers) that brings individuals, organizations, and the three levels of government together to address the ongoing intergenerational trauma that permeates Canadian society.



Date And Time

July 29, 2021 @ 10:00 AM


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